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Welcome to our portal - how to choose the right profession!
We all have different professions, hence the nature of the work. We really want to know how people of different professions live, whether their work is interesting to them. We, the site administration, have already shared our chosen profession with you. Now it's up to you, write and share your opinions about your workplace.
You may be asking why is this necessary?
By talking about our work, we, firstly, help our younger generation. Choosing a profession is a serious matter. Most of today's young people do not know what profession to choose. Our portal, where, thanks to you, information about professions will be collected will be very useful to them (young people will learn everything about professions: what professions exist in society, what are the tools and working conditions, requirements for professions, how to choose a profession, and much more).
And secondly, we will find out which of the professions are most widespread among our population.