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Profession web designer | Choice of profession. how to choose the right profession

Profession web designer | Choice of profession. how to choose the right profession

1. What is the name of your profession (position)? My profession is a web designer, I am engaged in graphic design of sites, and at the same time I am a private entrepreneur, my own employer. 2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities? My job is, firstly, to find customers, and secondly, to carry out the desired design, sometimes creating simple and beautiful sites. My work experience is small, while I make simple sites and I am still learning in the process. My immediate goal is to become a professional webmaster and create stunningly beautiful and user friendly websites. To do this, I still have a lot to learn, but the most important thing is that I really want to learn! 3. What education is required to get your position? With education, it’s not clear, in universities, as far as I know, there is no specialty web designer yet, many print designers are engaged in web design, programmers, I graduated from the aviation institute. 4. Describe your working day. The beginning of my working day depends on how late the previous day was finished. Yes, these are the errors of working at home, gradually switching to night work. First I turn on ISQ, check my mail, answer urgent letters, a couple of calls, and then I take orders, as a rule, they are all urgent, so lunch comes when there is no strength to endure hunger. Three times a week I break to the gym when he is not there, until the evening at the computer. I try not to have dinner at home - I earned a small walk in the fresh air and chat with friends. 5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day outside, or in the office with a cup of coffee). Conditions are perfect for me! When I worked in the company, I dreamed of finding a job with a working day at 12 o'clock. This world was created by larks and they rule it, and I am an owl, my peak performance comes after 10 p.m. I plan the day myself, I can take a couple of days off, I don’t need sick leave, I’m never late for work. 6. What do you like most about your job? Most of all, I like creativity in my work, if an interesting order appears, I immerse myself in work with my head, draw, redo, improve, it ceases to be work, I just enjoy the process. Each new order helps me learn something new. I communicate with colleagues in my free time, we share interesting information, books, we try to attend courses together. 7. What do you dislike most about your job? Yes, there is something that I do not like, every medal has two sides. When my opinion does not coincide with the opinion of the customer, I, alas, do not like it, of course, it does not reach conflicts, but the sediment remains. And another disadvantage is that sometimes there are too many orders for me, and sometimes, especially in summer, not enough. 8. If it's not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you are satisfied or not)? While I do not highly appreciate my services, I collect experience, knowledge and recommendations, so the level of salary does not suit me. 9. Describe your team, what kind of people worktogether with you? Since I work without the involvement of labor, my entire team is myself, and it is very comfortable for me to work in such a team. I communicate with most of my clients by phone and the Internet, so I can’t even indirectly attribute them to the team. 10. What human qualities do you think are most important in your business? As in most professions, high professionalism, a willingness to learn, and high self-discipline are important. And most importantly, love your job. Unique, with soul, love or excuse, the thirty-fifth template is always visible. 11. Work gives me additional opportunities (everything that work gives you except money, from self-expression and communication with interesting people to the opportunity to visit different countries). I do what I love, work gives me a lot of positive emotions, the opportunity to express myself, not to feel like a squirrel in a wheel. 12. Do you have the opportunity to evaluate your work on a five-point scale, what grade would you give? This is probably immodest, but I appreciate my work as excellent. No, I don’t consider myself a super professional yet, and the more I learn and master new things, the more I understand that I still have a lot to learn, but I try very hard and will never give up my work if something in the result does not suit me. 13. Why did you choose this job? I did not immediately choose this specialty, at first it was my hobby, and I am happy that I decided to change my life and do what I like on my own. 14. What do you think we did not include in the plan and what else would you like to share with us? Perhaps the advice or wishes of a professional for high school students who are on the verge of choosing a profession and read the information on this site. 0