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The head of an entertainment Internet project is my profession | Choice of profession. how to choose the right profession

The head of an entertainment Internet project is my profession | Choice of profession. how to choose the right profession

1. What is the name of your profession (position)? My profession is called the head of the entertainment Internet project DeBosh. 2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities? My work is very interesting, multifaceted and exciting. My direct responsibility is to maintain the resource in working order: meeting and negotiating with clients and advertisers. It is also very often accompanied by visiting entertainment events, writing articles. 3. What education is required to get your position? For my position, it is better to graduate from the Faculty of Journalism. But personally, I have a technical education and do my job with ease and pleasure. 4. Describe your working day. In my profession, there is no fixed work schedule. But most often it looks like this: the working day begins at 10 am with checking email and drawing up a daily schedule. Based on this, the whole working day is planned: where to go, with whom to meet. Basically, the working day ends at 19:00. But there are times when you have to work all night, for example, attend the opening of a nightclub. 5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day outside, or in the office with a cup of coffee)? The working conditions suit me completely and are comfortable for my perception. There are days when I do not leave the workplace. But there are times when in one day you can get around a lot of exciting activities and places. 6. What do you like most about your job? I really like that in the course of my work I have a huge number of acquaintances and a lot of positive impressions. I like that hostesses in restaurants know me, that I go to almost all concerts and tours of celebrities who come to our city. Of course, I can't help but like the fact that I myself can manage my working time. 7. What do you dislike most about your job? Most of all, I am not satisfied with irregular working hours and the fact that it is impossible to build clear plans for the next day. 8. If it's not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you are satisfied or not)? The salary level depends on me and my colleagues. The more interesting our resource, the higher our salary. I can't say that I am completely satisfied with it, because there is no limit to perfection 9. Describe your team, what kind of people work with you? We have a small team: I (the manager), the site administrator and the advertising manager. But since our resource currently covers 3 cities and each has its own staff, a large company is gathering. All the guys are young (under 30 years old), very cheerful and creative, even the site administrator 10. What human qualities, in your opinion, are the most important in your business? The most important human quality is to be human. Of course, without competence and dedication it will be hard to work. 11. Work gives me additional opportunities (here everything that work gives you except money, from self-expression and communication with interesting people to the opportunity tovisit different countries). That's what I like most about my work - additional opportunities. I am a public person, I like entertainment very much. And my work makes it possible for me and my friends to have a comfortable rest. 12. Do you have the opportunity to evaluate your work on a five-point scale, what grade would you give? 5 points. 13. Why did you choose this job? Because the entertainment industry is my element. And, as you know, the work of the main should bring moral satisfaction. 14. What do you think we did not include in the plan and what else would you like to share with us? It seems to me that I have revealed the main aspects of my favorite work. 0