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Profession: substation test engineer | Choice of profession. how to choose the right profession

Profession: substation test engineer | Choice of profession. how to choose the right profession

1. What is the name of your profession? My profession is substation test engineer. 2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities? My job is to test equipment located in electrical substations in order to detect defects in a timely manner. Responsibilities include both testing and processing the results, monitoring equipment, conclusions about the possibility of further operation of the equipment. 3. What education is required to get your position? To work in my specialty, it is necessary to get an education in the field of power electrical equipment, but this is not enough. Need work experience. The more experienced you are, the better decisions you can make. 4. Describe your working day. The working day begins with an operational meeting. There I will find out where I will go today, what I will do, what I need to prepare for fast and high-quality work. Then I write out an order (this is a task for the production of work) and together with the driver (he manages a mobile electrical laboratory) I go to the substation where the tests are planned. There, after admission, I assemble a circuit for testing and take measurements. Then I go to the next one, if I need to go around several substations a day. In the evening I return to my office. This is how the day usually goes. 5. How comfortable are your working conditions? What attracts me to my work is that there is no monotonous monotony. One day I can sit in the office, another day on the street, I choose the routes myself, if I need to drop in somewhere, then no problem. 6. What do you like most about your job? I especially like the fact that sometimes other people think about the benefits of my work. It happens like this: Usually in the evening, people come home from work, but there is no light. First they wait, then they look out the windows, then they go out into the street and ask us: “When will there be light?” At this moment, there is a feeling of my need for people. It even happened when at ten in the evening they even brought coffee with a bun, they tried to somehow help. 7. What do you dislike most about your job? It's hard to say what you don't like. Work with high voltage, but you can’t do without it. 8. If it's not a secret, your salary level. The salary level is not bad, but you always want more. Some of us have their own personal customer base and sometimes they have additional earnings. 9. Describe your team, what kind of people work with you? Our team is good. People are trouble-free, if you need help, they will always help, but basically I work with my driver (he is also an electrician) we have a team. 10. What human qualities do you think are most important in your business? In my business, as in everything electrical, I consider caution, a serious attitude to dangerous factors, as the main quality of a person. 11. Work gives me additional opportunities. The work gives me the opportunity to constantly improve, learn something new, hone my professionalism. 12. You have the opportunityHow would you rate your work on a five-point scale? I rate my work a solid four. Very exciting and interesting work. 13. Why did you choose this job? The work, one might say, found me and exactly what I wanted. And I was looking for one because my education is electrical, and my experience with electrical installations is not small. 14. What do you think we did not include in the plan and what else would you like to share with us? I would like to ask the authors of this order to add the item “What have you achieved in your work” for sure people have something to write. I have achieved, as it seems to me, the main thing, the respect of employees. And the residents of at least a couple of houses will definitely say thank you. 0