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My profession is HR manager in the disc department | Choice of profession. how to choose the right profession

My profession is HR manager in the disc department | Choice of profession. how to choose the right profession

1. What is the name of your profession (position)? My position is Human Resources Manager in the Disk Department. 2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities? My job is to manage the staff of several DVD sales departments. My responsibilities include work with personnel in the field of control, replenishment of products, their purchase, as well as reporting on the turnover of goods. 3. What education is required to get your position? In order to work in this position, a higher economic education is desirable, but most importantly, a minimum knowledge of management. 4. Describe your working day. My working day is quite busy and changes daily, so there is no fixed schedule of actions, although the main duties are still present: replenishment of products, calculation of revenue for the past day, calculation of goods and turnover, control over the activities of employees (sellers), issuance of appropriate remuneration to personnel , maintaining daily reporting of cash flow and reporting to management. 5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day outside, or in the office with a cup of coffee)? Working conditions are not as comfortable as we would like. You have to move from one department to another during the day, so you can only dream of an office with a cup of coffee. Pleases only the work schedule: irregular and flexible. 6. What do you like most about your job? Most of all, I like to set up staff for productive work, increase profits, and their subsequent encouragement. There is also a lot of free time for personal life. 7. What do you dislike most about your job? Most of all I don't like the lack of a company car to move around the departments, especially in winter. 8. If it's not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you are satisfied or not)? At the moment, the salary level suits me, although I would like to earn much more. My income is 10.000 + percentage of sales. 9. Describe your team, what kind of people work with you? The team is very cheerful, and most importantly, active. Moreover, with such work, despondency should not be present! I was lucky with the staff. 10. What human qualities, in your opinion, are most important in your business? Self-confidence, stress resistance, ability to manage, firmness in decision, perseverance and diligence 11. Work gives me additional opportunities (here is everything that work gives you besides money, from self-expression and communication with interesting people to the opportunity to visit different countries). Of course, this work is useful for my development, in terms of strengthening my character, gaining experience in managing employees, as well as the emergence of new acquaintances and connections in certain circles. 12. Do you have the opportunity to evaluate your work on a five-point scale, what grade would you give? 5 13. Why did you choose this job? It allows you to express yourself. I like to managestaff, and develop in this area. This work provides just such an opportunity. 14. What do you think we did not include in the plan, and what else would you like to share with us? The only thing I want to add: do only the work that brings you pleasure! 0